P a r a l l a x


Welcome, intrepid traveler, to our journey beyond the stars. Perhaps you have questions...

{ Mods: Rimi | Ollie | Jo | Liz }


Sep 15

Oct 15

Oct 22

Oct 23

Nov 17

Dec 18

Jan 23

Feb 27

Mar 14

Apr 14

Apr 21

Applications open

Applications close

Decisions sent

Working period begins

First check-in

Second check-in

Third check-in

Final works due

Sales begin

Sales end


Zine Basics

What's a fanzine?

> A fanzine is a fan made anthology of art, comics, fics, and/or more fanworks created for a theme or event. Sometimes merch is sold alongside it as well. It can be for charity or for profit.

What is Parallax?

> Parallax is a Banana Fish zine centered around the theme of science fiction, ranging from "Banana Fish, but Ash Lynx has a laser gun!" to fantastic space operas set three thousand years in the future! The sky isn't the limit - it's just the beginning.

What does "parallax" mean?

> "Parallax" is the name of the effect in which the position of an object appears slightly different to a viewer, depending on their point of view. It's relevant to photography (regarding the view from the lens versus the eyepiece) as well as astronomy (regarding the position of the moon from one of Earth's poles versus the other).

Why did you choose to name this zine Parallax?

> It has to do with the perception of one theme from a variety of points of view!

Is Parallax for charity or profit?

> Parallax is a for-profit zine. Proceeds will first go to producing/hosting the zine, and everything left will be equally split among all participants.

What is a digital zine?

> A digital zine has no physical products. The book will be a PDF, and related merch will be digital goods such as wallpapers, icons, etc.

What is this zine's rating? What characters and ships will be featured?

> Parallax is a SFW project. Content may be rated G or T, but M and E will not be allowed.

Ships featured will be at the discretion of our contributors, but the mod team will retain some oversight. We understand that at its core, Banana Fish deals with dark themes and difficult subject matter. However, as this zine will be SFW, we will work to ensure that all content is created or tagged in a way so that each reader can make informed decisions on what they consume.

We strictly prohibit the romanticization of abuse, and if proposed content is not within the limits that the mods deem acceptable, we will ask contributors to either make the adjustments deemed necessary or to forfeit their position in the project.


Who can apply? How many contributors will be accepted?

Both artists and writers can apply! There will be a total of approximately 15 artists and 6 writers, not including mods or guests.

Are minors welcome to participate in this project?

Absolutely! Since this zine is safe for work, we do not anticipate any reasons minors would not be able to contribute.

Does the contributor count include the mods' work?

Yes! There are two writers and one artist on the mod team.

Will contributors be compensated?

Yes! Each contributor will receive a free PDF of the zine, as well as all related merch.

Can contributors collaborate?

If collaboration happens naturally during the creation process, we have no plans to discourage it! However, we do not require any sort of collaboration.


When do applications open?

Please check our schedule for dates!

What are you looking for in artist applications?

For artists, the main things that we'll be looking for are full backgrounds, full color, and dynamic compositions.

What are you looking for in writer applications?

Primarily, we're interested in a few things: your ability to tell a concise but coherent story, the consistency of your characterization, the feel of your style, and the clarity of your writing (such as your spelling and grammar)!

What do I need to apply?

For artist applications, please have 3 pieces that you feel best exemplify your skill as an artist, at least one of which is based on Banana Fish.

For writer applications, please have 1-3 pieces with a total wordcount not exceeding 3,000 words, at least one of which is based on BF. There is no minimum word count, but you should feel that you are showcasing your skills to your best ability in your submission.

For all applications, we'll ask for you to upload your pieces to a google drive or a similar platform and share the link to the folder with us. We will also ask for a portfolio link (such as an ao3 profile or an art gallery), but this is not required.

Can I use a scene from a larger fic/a page from a larger comic/etc. as part of my application?

Yes, you may! Your portfolio pieces can come from anywhere, as long as you made them and have permission to use them. However, if it is a scene from a larger piece, we ask that it be coherent without requiring additional context.

Who will be judging the applications?

Our mod team will be judging applications!


When will preorders be open?

Tentatively, March 1st, 2021! Please see our schedule for more information.

Will there be multiple bundles available?

Yes! There will be at least one zine only bundle, one merch-only bundle, and one zine-and-merch bundle.

What kind of payment will you take?

Currently, our plan is to use Stripe integration with BigCartel. This means you will need a credit card to pay.

Why are you doing preorders instead of instantaneous fulfillment?

It's significantly easier on the mods to have everything organized all at once, rather than scrambling to send various bundles out as they come in!

This way, we also avoid making some buyers wait for hours to days while we try to stay on top of things; it's smoother for everyone involved to do a preorder period.